Monday, May 21, 2007

My last “Case of the Mondays”

In honor of Office Space being on Comedy Central last night I thought I would take a second and reflect on my last Monday at work (at least for awhile!) I have mixed feelings about leaving. For many months I was extremely excited at the prospect of no more deadlines, fewer off-the-wall requests from bosses, and less time spent in traffic. Making my own schedule (ok the baby will make my schedule) seemed somehow a nice change of pace, even if it wasn’t going to be stress-free or relaxing.

However, the closer it comes the more I realize I will miss my amazing, caring coworkers and being lucky enough to work in Harvard Square. I took a walk around the block to enjoy some fresh air this morning before heading into the overly-fluorescent bulbs of the office (another thing I won’t miss) and took these 2 pictures. Though I rarely have enough time to enjoy the views and atmosphere during the work day, it really is a pretty amazing place to work. What makes this somewhat easier is the prospect my organization is about to undergo a major change resulting in different staffing and likely a major move out of the Square WAY out into the suburbs. I actually hesitate to use the word “suburb” as it is that far out. I most likely wouldn’t have considered staying given that daunting potential commute, but regardless I am approaching the end of an era.

Of course what is to come promises to be more unpredictable, more exciting yet at times even more routine, and will push me in ways I haven't been challenged before.

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