Friday, June 30, 2006


Good news - We have had neither heart attacks from the roofer's estimate, nor has there appeared any poison ivy on Steve from the mowing. Oh, and the roofers had a color printer in their car - our kind of roofer:)

Next up this weekend: Lauren attempting to paint for the first time, ever

For those worried about my health - it is a tiny room (probably 4 by 4) and the walls are tiled half-way up. It is, in other words, a VERY small job. I will take it easy:)

I also can't resist pulling down wallpaper each time I enter the master bath. This drives Steve bonkers, but gives me great satisfaction.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The first chore ---

Steve bought a lawn mower yesterday AND mowed the lawn. He still has all his fingers and toes but is a little worried he might have contracted the dreaded, venomous, deadly (well maybe not deadly) poison ivy. No pictures yet, but for those of you (Pete!) drooling at the possibility of a new gorgeous, air-conditioned tractor with cable tv and wireless internet, you will be sadly disappointed. We bought an old-fashioned, motorless push mower.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tenative Moving Date & Other -

August 10 (not final, but may be "good enough") - Given all our busy weekends (Cape vacation, Chicago long weekend, friends' wedding), there is no "perfect" day. We just need to pick something and go with it!

Also - We have a roofer coming to give us an estimate on June 29th. They are highly recommended on Angie's List so hopefully we will only have chest pains, not a full-blown heart attack at their quote.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Bathroom Plans

I have one room all figured out - well sort of:) I have the fun part done. The real "work", removing the wallpaper, painting, getting a new light fixture is surely going to take some time.

Current bathroom pics

Our new shower curtain, valance and towels - It is strangely similar in color scheme as their seashells. I guess it is what works with the white counters, beige/brown floor and off-white tiles! The shower curtain is the striped fabric.

Friday, June 02, 2006

The biggest Challege - the KITCHEN! Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to have one that both Steve and I can stand in together, but the current state is severly lacking in the modernity department.

The Current State

The Ideal State