Monday, March 31, 2008

Almost 2 years

from when we signed our Purchase & Sales agreement, we have figured out what to do with our Bedroom and Dining Rooms.

Our new bedroom dressers came on Friday and we finally have our clothes hidden from the world.

We also bought dining room furniture that fits the space and it will be delivered in a about 2 weeks.

We have the table, 4 chairs and buffet pictured below. We also have 2 chairs that are made of the same wood as the table and are upholstered just on the seat. The table also has 2 leaves not pictured. Hopefully now we can have people over to dinner and seat them without being totally squished.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Bug"s Bunny

Apparently I have a knack for finding funny vehicles.

I SO wish I could have taken a picture, but yesterday I saw, I swear, a VW Bug with a bunny costume!

It was a white bug, with big - appropriate scale - bunny ears attached to where the roof/side windows meet. It also had a white tail above the license plate. I wouldn't be surprised if I missed whiskers up front while I was trying to figure out the ears!

I really laughed out loud as it was really well done and unexpected.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The "Dye" is cast...

Ok, it is really paint...but you get the idea.

We have painted test squares on our dining room wall and we have painter's tape up to do tests on the living room. After 1.5 years we are finally getting our act in gear to get some more decorating done.

We aren't thrilled with the DR colors, so I think I will be hitting Benjamin Moore again soon for more samples.I have a nifty Benjamim Moore program that lets you paint pictures of your own home with all their colors. It doesn't work perfectly, for example, light colors are always too bright. Then again, colors and lighting are always hard on computers and this is easier (and cheaper) to fool around with than photo shop plus it gives you paint color names. One of the myriad of combinations I have been playing with...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Who you gonna call?

Ghost Pros!

We followed this van over the causeway to Sanibel. I had no idea such a thing existed.

Check out their What we do page.

Sunday, March 09, 2008


We soon will have our clothes hidden from visitors. Until now our master bedroom has been seriously in need of 'proper' storage. By proper I mean something that is neither a bookshelf bought at a used bookstore nor not an ancient dresser that used to live in my aunt's garage. We have some wall space issues since we have 2 windows, a radiator and 3 doors in a not huge room. Well, we finally went ahead and ordered a dresser a "sweater chest" and a nightstand. Neither of us are passionately in love with it, but the size was right, the price was right and it came in a cherry finish that approximates our bed color. I am contemplating getting different pulls, they aren't bad but I think we could do better. For some reason the pics from the website won't upload right, so you will have to wait until it is delivered for pictures.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Some were taken from the car window - so clarity isn't amazing.

Monday, March 03, 2008

30th Birthday Gift

I haven't decided if Steve should get me this...

or this...


They are ridiculous houses being put up on tiny lots on a very main street in FL. There are lots of other big houses on this road, but these will take the cake for sheer size and over-the-top everything (at least in public view).

I actually found the builder's site and you can see what they are meant to look like done.

House 1
House 2