Friday, January 05, 2007

Oh yes, that is a hole in our ceiling

For those of you who don't already know, Steve and I have decided to remodel the kitchen Ok, well gut the kitchen. Nothing will remain but the windows. Apparently picking which high-chair and crib was best wasn’t enough research for us, we also have to deal with drawer pulls, light fixtures and appliances. Steve and I have seemed to divide this up – I deal with the baby stuff and fixture he deals with everything else.

The contractor came the other day to see if they can raise the ceiling to the same height as the rest of the house and check out the bump in the wall that we assumed was the water wall for the bathroom upstairs. Luckily there were no shocks, and we can have our nice high ceilings and it is indeed was a couple of pipes along the wall.

Real demo won't start until approximately March. We are in the final stages of picking appliances and finalizing layout. If we get an updated drawing from the contractor this weekend, I will try to scan next week.


Seth said...

Awesome! If you need help demolishing, let me know and I'll fly out!

JTH said...

Have fun.
Shirley and I found that (once again) remodels are more "uncertain" than new builds.
You get to find suprises, sorta like "easter eggs" in software.

Make sure the layout of appliances (if you can rearrange) make for comfortable and easy work-flow.

We found that current work patterns are not what we expected.
Bottom line - make sure that two can work side by side - if needed.

Have fun!