Thursday, January 11, 2007

First look!

So Steve came with me to my ultrasound today, and the very nice tech (a Spartan tech who wants to retire to TC no less!), gave us a bunch of great pics and gave us the great insight that she saw nothing amiss and the baby looked entirely normal! (I am sure with parents like us, that may not last:) She took all sorts of measurements and got all the shots she needed. Yay.

And for those that haven't heard - it is a boy!

Hmm, there is nothing to eat in here, maybe I should try this hand...

Are you looking at me? Because I am looking at you!

Big feet! (Like mom and dad)


katieandandy said...

Let the buying of Red Sox/Patriots gear and toy train sets begin! Very, very cool!

nemens said...

Robby is psyched!! (and so are we).

darlyn said...

Wow, those feet are super big! He'll probably be wearing bigger shoes than me by the time he's 3.

Again, congrats!

And yes, best thing about finding out his sex is that now the massive shopping spree can begin!