Monday, June 01, 2009

Nesting - continued

Jack's room is substantially different too. We removed the glider to nursery #2 (see previous post) and in its place we put his train table (a hand-me-down from a coworker of Steve's!). Strangely the trains always spend more time on the ground. Oh well.

We also got a red chair from Ikea that works perfectly for reading bedtime stories. Not quite as luxurious as the glider, but at hundreds of dollars cheaper, it more than meets our need.

We also hung a Curious George/alphabet poster which he seems to enjoy (the monkey part, not so much the letters:)

1 comment:

nemens said...

Robby was just looking over my shoulder and said "I want to go to Jack Magoun's house sometime." He clearly approves of the redecorating done :)