Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I finally got around to painting the dots on the our "accent" wall (to use an HGTV term). They are far from perfect up close, but I do really like how it came out! It took far less time than I thought it would, too. The trim of the bed skirt and the quilt have the same color polka dots, which is where the idea came from.

(If you are confused by the perspective, I am standing next to the glider when taking this photo - the crib is to the right of the door you see.)

We still need some more wall art, then again we need more wall art in almost all our rooms. I would also like a new lamp - I find the one in there a tad too bright, and short for the space.

We acquired an extra camera for our video monitor - it is pretty cool. We can now switch the channels to see each kid's room. Given how loud Jack is, we rarely need his anymore, but it is nice to check up on him now and again. We also find it useful to be able to see if he is standing and whining in his crib, or still lying down and whining.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Coming together...

After a foible with our new crib mattress (thanks Magic Beans for amazing customer service!), baby #2 now has a lovely place to sleep. Of course for a variety of reasons he most likely will sleep in our room in a pack n play bassinet at night for a few months. I am pleased to have this ready to go and organized though!

The crib came in even nicer than I had expected - the wood & finish are of such high quality.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Nesting - continued

Jack's room is substantially different too. We removed the glider to nursery #2 (see previous post) and in its place we put his train table (a hand-me-down from a coworker of Steve's!). Strangely the trains always spend more time on the ground. Oh well.

We also got a red chair from Ikea that works perfectly for reading bedtime stories. Not quite as luxurious as the glider, but at hundreds of dollars cheaper, it more than meets our need.

We also hung a Curious George/alphabet poster which he seems to enjoy (the monkey part, not so much the letters:)