Monday, March 31, 2008

Almost 2 years

from when we signed our Purchase & Sales agreement, we have figured out what to do with our Bedroom and Dining Rooms.

Our new bedroom dressers came on Friday and we finally have our clothes hidden from the world.

We also bought dining room furniture that fits the space and it will be delivered in a about 2 weeks.

We have the table, 4 chairs and buffet pictured below. We also have 2 chairs that are made of the same wood as the table and are upholstered just on the seat. The table also has 2 leaves not pictured. Hopefully now we can have people over to dinner and seat them without being totally squished.


nemens said...

We finally got matching bedroom furniture after we moved to CA. It makes a world of difference doesn't it? But somehow I don't always managed to get my clothes put away...

tannec said...

Lovely choices! How much fun to feel a bit more "moved in." Congratulations!