Friday, June 15, 2007

He's Here

Jack Robertson
9lbs 6.8oz, 21 3/4 inches

Coming Soon....
Jack's Blog

Monday, June 11, 2007

And I thought the kitchen progress was slow...

I have no labor signs at all, so most likely I will make it to the induction scheduled for this week. I call on Wednesday to find out what time that evening I should come in, and will be given a preparatory treatment that evening for the induction drugs on Thursday. I am very much hoping that the hospital isn't super super busy and they have to reschedule (which is not common, but does happen apparently). Of course I truly have my fingers crossed that I go into labor naturally before then.

In more productive news, thanks almost entirely to Steve we got around 85% of our stuff clean and back into the kitchen yesterday! Thank goodness....

Friday, June 08, 2007

Before & After!!!

Ok, so it isn't 100% done, but close enough for this.
Now on to finalizing paint colors and cleaning the dining room..

Still here...

Both the kitchen guys and me!

The kitchen guys should be 98% done today! All the carpentry/touch up work is slated for completion. After that we are just waiting for 2 missing doors, some shelves, the toilet seat and a part for the bathroom sink. So the contractors will be in here next week at some point for an hour or so.

Baby and I are doing fine, I was monitored this morning to check the baby. During this they simultaneously monitor contractions, or in my case, lack of contractions.

I will try to post kitchen pics tomorrow...

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Giant Feet

I had an ultrasound yesterday to check the baby's position since the OB and I thought he may have turned sideways. Luckily, he didn't and is head down as he should be. It was nice for Steve and I too see the little guy again.

This confirmed without an inkling of a doubt that he is indeed a he - though we are saving that picture to annoy him as a teenager. We also confirmed that he has huge feet, like both his parents. The nurse doing the scan seemed a little taken aback by the size of the feet so I guess it wasn't just our impression. You can be a judge...

The foot is the oblong light spot at the bottom of the image, you can also see the leg going up the image towards the top.

Looks like if I don't go into labor on my own, I will be induced on the 14th, so at longest we have 7 more nights of sleep.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Food milestone...

Well, I didn't get a picture, but Steve actually cooked dinner in our kitchen tonight. Sadly, that doesn't mean it is all done, but the appliances now all work so we tried out the range. It boils water for pasta just fine:)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Nothing to report...

For those wondering, our lack of an update is not because Lauren is in labor. I am still here, feeling pretty good and we are both hoping our kitchen is done soon.

We went to see Knocked Up on Saturday. I was hoping for my water to break or something during the movie, as it clearly would make a memorable story. Alas, it was not to be. However, the movie was worth it, we both found it extremely funny.