Sunday, February 18, 2007

Another beach...

another climate...

Steve and I spent the weekend in Dennis Port (Cape Cod), with my mom and stepdad and their dog (can't leave Rebel out!). It was a nice trip, though as you can imagine we passed on some of the more traditional seaside pastimes. We stuck to shopping and eating:)


lakelady said...

in my book as long as it's on the water it counts

JTH said...

I see your icy beach, and raise you frozen lake

Not all that far out, "mouth" of the cove, warm today in high 30's

Didn't venture too much further as the ice was broken and re-frozen.

Big Glen frozen over for the last few weeks.

When you get a mile or so out, and stop to listen to the ice groan, you ask yourself "what the "f" am I doing out here..."
