Sunday, August 27, 2006

A basement tour (oh, exciting!)

Not sure if anyone remotely cares, but I realized there has never been a picture of the basement on here...

View from the stairs...

Strange, oddly located shower stall (under stairs)

The foot of the "finished" part, it is L-shaped.

The long, narrow part of the finished area.

More "almost" rooms

The office

The guest bedroom

Other things completed this weekend:
1. new shower head installed
2. lots of unpacking and organizing
3. ordered a new mailbox to replace the hideous one we have
4. removed french doors to hallway - it made the living room look 20% bigger, really! (I never thought I would take them down, but it is really a big difference). We will leave the ones b/w the living/dining rooms.
5. set up all computers

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Good Omen

We planted this 2 years ago, but it didn't bloom at all last summer, though it did grow lots of green leaves. As soon as we moved in this starting blooming though! *

* No need to comment any of the following:
- If it bloomed when you moved in, the buds had formed long ago
- Red is color of mourning in parts of Africa or the color of communism
- These only flower every other year

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Progress (though not much!)

Far fewer boxes, a new microwave....

Looks like a living room, albeit a messy, unattactive one. At some point we will buy new furniture to replace the current stuff, circa 1980 from my step-dad's old house. We need to decide on the best layout first.

Evidence our new washer/dryer isn't yet at the house. We just bought them tonight, they will be here in 1 week.

At least one of us has been away the last two weekends, so this weekend we should be able to get some serious unpacking done.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


We are all done unpacking.......

Ok, no we aren't .

At least the boxes in the kitchen are empty!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

New bedding - Cape inspried

It is far from exact, but we were inspired by the pale blue sky, bright green grass and deep blue /green water.

I actually only bought the sheets, we will just use the plain duvet covers we have already.

pics of floor and lights

refinished floors in bad lighting - they still look great (I think at least!)

This is from my camera phone - sorry for the fuzzines!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The big day is almost here!

We have just a few more days before the big move (Tues. morning) and have a trip to CT planned over the weekend for our friends' wedding. Needless to say our apartment is a mess.

The floors will be done this afternoon, and after the sanding they look amazing! I am SO glad we went ahead and did them. I will add after pics as soon as I remember to take them:)

Sunday, August 06, 2006

New lights, hardware and roofs, oh my.

New hardware for the master bath. We put them on the built-ins and on the vanity. Nothing exciting, but better than rusty chrome. We also bought new light switch covers to match.

Fact we learned when buying lights - the previous owners literally bought the cheapest of every kind of fixture they could. Great.

We purchased 2 of these lights, one for each bathroom ceiling.

We bought a similar fixture for the master bath, ours has 4 lights, not 3.


New sheers for the office - they match the walls perfectly, and even tone down the color.

New valance ($1.50 at the Christmas Tree Shop) and some lime hand towels - cool and crisp for summer. I will use the other $1.50 valance I bought with bolder colored stripes in the fall/winter.

The new roof - isn't it exciting?